Friday, August 29, 2008

tHe RaINfOrESt With Love

The indigenous people at National Park locally known as "The Batik People".The Batik People are by nature, nomadic and would move whenever it suited them.

Taman Negara Kuala Tahan. Jerantut.

Lot's of emotions here.

Tenang. Tiada hipokrasi.Tiada benci. ..Tiada melanggar resam duniawi dan ilahi.

Have a great day people. Much love from the Nature.

Don't Question

The reason why I named it as it is today as `Don’t Question!` actually reflects my perception towards this issues which have been clearly stated in the Federal Constitution under Article 160, Article 153 and Article 3.Tun Dr Mahathir has said “Don’t question Malay rights!”. On the 15th of June, he has told non-Malays that they should stop questioning the special rights of the Malays and count themselves privileged, having been given citizenship and other rights in this country.Article 160 of Federal Constitution defined a Malay as a Malaysian citizen born to a Malaysian citizen who professes to be a Muslim, habitually speaks the Malay language, adheres to Malay customs, and is domiciled in Malaysia or Singapore. As a result, Malay citizens who convert out of Islam are no longer considered Malay under the law.He urged them to understand history and realize that an agreement was reached before independence in 1957 when the Malays were willing to accept other races as people who could "share the wealth of this land". As had been drawn by the history, with the agreement of all parties, immigrants were accepted as citizens of Tanah Melayu, and they, in that time, had accepted the reality that Malays had special rights as indigenous people of this land.The first Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra in 1957 had willingly given one million citizenships to Chinese and Indians who originally was brought into Tanah Melayu as laborers in rubber estate and tin mines. Which country in the world has given immigrants equal rights? Now in the present time, these two races have begun to question the right of Malays in Malaysia. Who gave them that right? Personally, they are ungrateful. If the Malays were willing to accept the immigrants, then we should not be question on our rights. The reason why I say that these two races are ungrateful is because both India and China have mass population growth, which until now, leads to poverty and suffering. Take a look at Malaysia. In cant be denied that Malaysia too have its own issues to be dealt with. The very well known “Peristiwa Berdarah” of May 13 1969 subsequently led to the imposition of a prohibition on the questioning of a number of Constitutional provisions including Article 153. So now why question it, again??Every time Malays discuss matters related to their own race, they were accused of being racist or chauvinistic. There appears to be an attempt to stop Malays from speaking about our rights. If we speak about our rights, we are called racists. If they speak about their rights, then it's alright. Malays are the aborigine of Tanah Melayu, so of course we are granted with special privileges as what had been stated in Article 153. Rationally, would it be logic if we Malays go to either China or India, flood it with our community and then later claim equal rights with them? No! As our compensation of sharing ‘Tanah Melayu’ with those who are not Malays, it is not arguable that Malays get their special privileges.Secondly, concerning the matter above, the religion of the federation should also not be question. It has been stated in Article 3(1) that Islam is the official religion of Malaysia. In Article 3(1), of the Federal Constitution states that 'Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practiced in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation'. Hindus and Buddhist are free to practice their religion, no doubt about that, but now? They seek for equal rights, wanting temple and monks to be build as much as mosques. If that were to be done, how is it possible to distinguished Islam as the religion of the federation? MCA claims that it is true that Islam is the official religion of Malaysia, but that does not make Malaysia an Islamic state, arguing that if Malaysia is an Islamic state, why aren’t we practicing Syariah instead of civil law? The reason for this is simple; it is because we are a multi nation country. We practice civil law instead of Syariah law to be just to the non Muslims. Provided that a Muslim committed a wrong before the Syariah Law, he would be punished based on Syariah Law. Truth to be said, Malaysia does practice Islamic teachings in this country. For example, the system of Islamic banking does or does it not benefit everyone? A system with no extra and hidden charges, proved not only has been helping Muslims but also non-Muslims.Furthermore, for many years, Malaysia has been labeled as one of most influential Islamic country in this world. Plus, as one of the member of OIC, how can you not say that Malaysia is an Islamic country when it is internationally acknowledged by the world? Don’t question something that you don’t have any rights off. It would just lead to another unwanted riot.Allow me to conclude that, I hope all Malaysian, regardless of your race and religion to stop playing these issues in our ears. Stop throwing petrol in a fire. Why choose to live in a havoc and chaotic life when we can enjoy tranquility and harmonies. The pillars of Rukun Negara, `Keluhuran Perlembagaan, Kedaulatan Undang-Undang, Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan` are established to attain unification among our multi racial ethnicity, in order to prevent these questionnaires from arising. Rather than torning it apart, why don’t we speak in one voice to improve and uphold the country! Peace is not impossible to attain. It depends on how we think. Youth,the future is yours.

REaLiTi DaN fAnTaSi

Kadang-kadang apa yang kita anggap realiti itu sebenarnya fantasi yang ada dalam fikiran. Namun tiap apa yang kita fikirkan itu sebenarnya mencerminkan realitinya...

Semalaman berbicara dengan hati..
Bercerita tentang kehidupan tentang kabut yang melanda,
tentang si bisu dan si pekak,
tentang rahib dan penunggang.
Tak dapat dipastikan kadangkala apa yang tlah direncana tuhan dalam hidup ini.
Yang pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya.
Kosongkan gelas itu.
Agar mudah air baru diisi ke dalam nya.

SeNyumlAh aNdAi ItU pEnAwArNyA

Apa nak mulakan masa mula menaip aku cukup susah nak fikir, jadi aku tulis apa yang terdetik di hati masa nak menulis jadi tak perlu aku berfikir panjang sangat,jadi apa di hati terzahir di ruang ini. Ini, yang sedang dibaca ni. Ruang ini sememangnya sudah aku namakan 'Warkah Jiwa'..bermakna cerita tentang jiwa bebas dilaungkan tuan empunya jasad disini..Yang pahit kelat walau sukar nak ditelan terpaksa juga ditelan, adat kita,manusia. Tepuklah dada,tanyalah rasa..tiada apa nk aku sampaikan untuk entri kali ni..Puasa pun dah tak lama kan. Sekejap masa berlalu.Minta maaf kawan rakan sahabat aku. Niat jahat tiada, sekadar manusia biasa.Tak boleh lari dari silap.

Salam Lena Semua.
Yang Maha Tercinta. Ampun.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Kamu dengar sini Si Biasa berkata Jika pekak kan ku jerit Jika buta sudah takdir Dia Andai Buta kau lebih mulia dari si celik tertutup Jiwa Dengar sahaja. Tutup mata.Buka Raga.

Bayangkan aku didepan kamu

Bercerita tentang rasa kasihan

Kasihankan diri, kasihankan diri.

Aku kasihankan diri,Kamu jua kena.

Ku rayu Kasihankan diri

jangan dicari duri

Jika onak menghiris diri

Biarkan ia siar sendiri

Sudah takdir ilahi

Kau tersembam kini

Menangis hari ini.

Tak guna sujud pada najis mengkhayal.

Teruskan andai kau bebal.

Larinya sedih hanya sekelip mata

Hanya menipu si penyembah

Aku nasihat pada ku cinta.

Jijik,binasa selamanya sesal tak sudah

Kudis kan sembuh

Tubuh kan lebih teguh.
Kuatkan semangat.

Pegang taliNya erat-erat.

I've No Ideas..

Seriously, i cant think of anything to write.

maybe I will be inspired, later..

the boredom of holiday is swiftly killing my mind

and my ability to write.

bosan dowh cuti...
Damn it!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Seluas Angkasa....

wahai masa lalu yang telah berlalu dan selesai
tenggelamlah seperti mataharimu
aku takkan pernah menangisi pemergianmu
dan kamu takkan pernah melihatku termenung sedetikpun untuk mengingatimu
kamu telah pergi meninggalkanku dan takkan pernah kembali

wahai masa depan,engkau masih dalam ketidakpastian
maka aku tidak akan pernah bermain dengan khayalan
dan menjual diri hanya untuk sebuah dugaan
aku pun tidak bakal memburu sesuatu yang belum tentu ada
kerana esok hari mungkin tidak ada sesuatu
esok hari adalah sesuatu yang belum diciptakan
dan tidak ada satu pun yang dapat disebutkan

maka bantulah diriku
menjadikan hari ini milikku dan milikmu
agar apa yang kupunyai hari ini
mampu ku kongsi bersmamu hingga sampai masa
matahari tak mampu lagi bersinar
rembulan tak mampu lagi berputar
kata2 tak mampu lagi melakar
tatkala hati tak mampu lagi menyayangi...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

I don't know..

And After All this,I am so confused,I still Don't Know How,You even felt,About Me,I Don't If You even cried Over me Like I cried Over You,The Only thing I certain of is..I Will never Find another You..=)

PoeM oF Of My LiFe

For you,......

I stand there waiting for that look in your eyes to go away. I couldn't stand to hear those words, not for another day. Your touch, your smile the way you play, I miss everything about you, in every little way.

You meant the world to me, you still do, don't act so you.

I can't believe I'm with him, and here now, if he only knew.

I want to keep my promise tell you forever is still in mind, but I know tomorrow when I wake up, my heart will be blind.

Reality will set in and I'll know what I'll have to do. Tell you "I love you" but until then I still have to live without you.

I'll pray for you to hate me, never talk to me again, but that won't happen because not only are you my first lover, you're my closest friend..

Friday, August 1, 2008

tiada lagi cahaya

Ya Allah
ku rasakan perjalanan ini semakin sukar.
Aku semakin tewas..
Tapi aku hanya hamba yang hina yang tak punya hak utk menolak..
Segala yg mendatang...
Dimana harus ku cari kekuatan ku??
Biar pun segala isi dan dunia ini menjauhi aku,
Jangan KAU menjauhi diri ini...
Sukarnya untuk ku mengharap pengertian..
Namun kusedari pengertian hakiki hanya dsisimu..
Bukankah sunnatullah mnghendaki..
Aku,dia dan mereka melalui perjalanan yang sementara ini menuju negara abadi
Mengapa terlalu sukar perjalanan di sini???
Yang sementara ini??..
Mungkin kerna syurga itu terlalu mahal...
Tapi kasihanilah pada hambaMu ini,
Hamba yang tak ingin tergelincir tapi sudah pun tersungkur
Andai ini kehendakMu..
Satu pintaku izinkan hidup matiku dalam Iman dan Islam
Menerusi kejujuran qalbi..
Ketelusan lisani...
Dan keindahn pekerti..
Hanya KAU yg maha mengerti..
Menuju hari abdi tidak seindah mimpi...
Kerana maharnya tiada galang ganti...